Friday, September 24, 2010

Closing Time

So fall is officially here.

With fall comes cooler temperatures, changing leaves... Halloween and Thanksgiving. Kids are all back to school. It's my favorite time of year. Time to break out the spice scented candles and all the jewel toned decorations (if I had any, heh). It's time for football season (not saying that I LIKE football, but it's on). Time to head out to the pumpkin patch and carve your pumpkins. Load up on Halloween candy.

Soon it'll be time to rake the leaves (or jump in them... whichever you prefer, me... I like jumping). Time to head to the pumpkin patch and swing in the rope barn and go on a hay ride. Maybe try your luck at the Maize Maze. Time to break out the hooded sweatshirts (or big chunky sweaters... no one needs a coat yet, I tell you. Not cold enough). Maybe go to a football game or 2 at your old highschool. Bring a thermos of hot chocolate and a blanket and cheer on your team (and I say highschool because I never went to a 4 year college, so I'm not partial to any college team).

This is my favorite time of year. Bundle your kids up in long sleeves and a jacket and take them outside to play! Go for walks at night. Start a leaf collection. Have them find leaves in every different color and then use them to make wreaths for your front door. Or maybe placemats for the dinner table. Pick up acorns and throw them in a bowl as a centerpiece. You can decorate without having to buy anything. :-) That's definitely a plus for me. Haha.

Ok, so this didn't really have a point. I just wanted everyone to know I'm excited that it's officially fall. I just don't look forward to how dark it's going to start getting soon!



  1. I loooove the fall too! You must be farther north than me. It's still sweltering hot here. I'm ready for jeans and long sleeves, but we're still in jeans and tank tops.

  2. Yeah, I'm in Maine. Used to live in VA so I know how you're feeling. Maine has a very SHORT fall (it gets cold QUICK) but it has a beautiful one. :-)
