I started this blog initially to try and answer questions and offer advice to anyone who wanted/needed/begged for it. Ok, so maybe not a lot of people really begged, but I know there are people who might have felt like they were reaching that point. When I was a pregnant 19 year old there were a lot of questions that I had and a lot of things I was terrified of.
I was lucky to join an email loop on AOL full of other people in my situation. It helped to ease the fear of being a new mom. We shared experiences, questions, tips, tricks, you name it. And they were my friends. For YEARS we all emailed back and forth. I don't know what I would have done without those girls.
This blog was my attempt to pay it forward. To "give back to the community" so to speak. To try and answer questions that people may have. To offer advice that someone might be too afraid (or lets face it, too proud) to ask for it. Or just to have give moms and new moms someone to commiserate or identify with. I share stories from my own experiences all the time. I share things I learned the hard way in the hopes that someone else might see it before they have to do the same. I was lucky to join an email loop on AOL full of other people in my situation. It helped to ease the fear of being a new mom. We shared experiences, questions, tips, tricks, you name it. And they were my friends. For YEARS we all emailed back and forth. I don't know what I would have done without those girls.
I have not been writing as often as I once was because I'm constantly trying to think of things that would be beneficial to the few people (thank you guys!) who do read when I post new entries, but unfortuantely, sometimes the well just runs dry and the bucket comes up empty.
I don't know if I've actually helped anyone with my writings, I would hope that I have.
Please, if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask. No matter what it is. I offer advice, an ear, anything.
Also, I have 2 other blogs that I post regularly/semi regularly on, if you'd like to check those out. One is my photography webpage which I'm trying to get better at updating, you can find that here. The other is a book blog where I post reviews, opinions, fun stuff I've found, etc. I know I know, I'm a book nerd. That one is called Shhh... Not While I'm Reading. Stop by if you're a book nerd too!
Always a good thing to pay it forward. Good luck w/ your photography. Now following you from the UBP. http://tvstake.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteLOL I have to say--I LOVE the title of your blog! I just now got it! (Buawaahahahaahaaa)